Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sign Language

Talk With Your Baby . . . Before Your Baby Learns to Talk!


The Baby Signs® Program helps children develop both language and cognitive skills. Studies show that babies who sign actually develop speech sooner and have larger vocabularies when they do start talking.

The Baby Signs® Program is based on the groundbreaking research which began an international movement to teach hearing babies to use signs. After 20 years of careful study, researchers proved that using signs actually enhances language, cognitive, and social-emotional development. Have you ever wondered what your baby is thinking? Or why your baby is crying? The Baby Signs® Program teaches babies to use simple, easy-to-do gestures for communicating with their parents and caregivers. These gestures or “signs” represent an item or concept, like “cat,” “eat,” or “all gone.” Using signs gives babies a way to "talk" with their parents, before they can talk. Babies can communicate about the world around them, long before they have mastered their verbal speaking skills!

Babies and toddlers often use signs as a natural part of the communication process. Many babies know how to wave "bye-bye" or use a headshake to mean "no." The Baby Signs® Program can help your baby use lots of other gestures to communicate just as easily as these more common "signs.
When babies learn sign language, this skill provides him or her with a powerful educational tool of earlier communication. Frustration and outbursts are lessened, because baby can immediately communicate his wants/needs until he can physically pronounce it.

Want to participate in the Sign, Say and Play Class for FREE?

Gather 5 friends to pay their tuition and your tuition is FREE!

Please call 318-688-JUMP or email for available class times.

Sign, Say and Play Class is a 6-week Baby Signs program designed especially for parents and their child. Fun games, songs and activities highlight important developmental skills. Following each class all participants are invited to stay for some Indoor Inflatable Play Time.

Class participants also receive the new Sign, Say and Play Starter Kit with exciting products that make signing at home fun and easy. Tuition is $125.00 (Sibling Participation Tuition $75 - does not include starter kit and must have a sibling enrolled in the same class).

Call 318-688-5867 or email us at
to register for the next class.
                                      Sign for "Thank You!"

***I am currently taking names and numbers of parents interested in the class. When I have 6 families interested, I will set a time and date. If you have a group of 5 or more plus yourself, we can go ahead and set a date and time for the class.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Feeding Three Growing Boys

I am raising three boys ages 14, 11 and 6. I am always looking for easy recipes with simple ingredients. They do not like casseroles or crazy ingredients. Two out of the three enjoy eating salads, sushi and fruit. I have one that is a very picky eater. They all three love milk, meat, rice, noodles, grated cheese and believe it or not they love Vienna Sausage. The newest thing we do for school lunches is sugar free Kool-Aid packs to add to a bottle of water. We started this to help my boys get there daily dose of water. This has worked out real well for all three. It has also helped me get my water in during the day :)

I was looking through the February 2012 issue of Parenting magazine and saw on page 54 Sweet Sandwiches. Some of their suggestions were Apple Cheddar and Peanut Butter; Honey, Almond Butter and Banana; Strawberry and Goat Cheese; Pear and Avocado. SERIOUSLY!!! My children would not touch those sandwiches and would look at me like I had lost my mind. I need some realistic suggestions for something they will eat that is healthy. Would your children eat these sandwiches? Am I the only one with picky eaters? Now, my youngest MIGHT try the strawberry and goat cheese sandwich. It actually looked pretty good.

We have two appliances that we have about worn out: sandwich maker and quesadilla maker.The quesadilla machine is a Christmas present a friend gave us several years ago. One of my kids' favorite snacks or dinner is a quesadilla. I put cheese on a flour tortilla and then sometimes sneak in some chicken or beef from a previous meal. The also love a good grilled cheese made from on our sandwich maker. They do not like for me to put a meat in there though. However, I have found I can make a version of a Philly cheese steak sandwich without the onions and they will eat that.

Just wondering what your children enjoy eating.

What are some of the snacks your pack in their school lunches?

What do you feed them for an after-school snack?

What are some of their favorite recipes?

I am not the best at getting my boys to eat their vegetables. How do you get your children to eat vegetables?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

EXTRA Open Play!!!

Caddo Parish Schools are out for a long weekend! Come join us on January 13th and 16th for EXTRA Open Play times!!!!

**Monday, Jan 16th  
     9am - 1pm    
Family Jump Time (up to 12 years old)   

**Friday, Jan 13th 
    9am- 1pm    
Family Jump Time (up to 12 years old)

688-JUMP (5867)